Maxima Projects

We share results and learnings from our experiments to expand the positive impact!

Rancang Manfaat yang Strategis, BUMA Lakukan Penelitian Sosial

Designing Strategic Benefits, BUMA Conducts Social Research

How does research open up a new journey for BUMA?
Tingkatkan Efektivitas Transformasi Organisasi, Kemenkeu Rancang Duta Transformasi 

Enhancing Organizational Transformation Effectiveness, Ministry of Finance Designs Change Agents Program

What are the strategic keys for the Ministry of Finance to realize its mission through the Transformation Ambassador?
Tingkatkan Roda Ekonomi Pascatambang, Inisiatif BUMA Dorong Kemandirian Pangan di Lingkar Tambang 

Improving Post-Mining Economy, BUMA Initiative Encourages Food Independence in the Mining Area

How does Maxima improve the ecological and economic quality of Umaq Dian Village?
Community Lab | IFG Desa Osing Kemiren

Live In Program at Osing Kemiren Village, Banyuwangi

How did Maxima develop Live In training for IFGs?