Maxima Impact Consulting continues its collaboration and support for the Transformation Ambassadors program. Together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkeu RI), Maxima remains committed to facilitating positive organizational change through impactful initiatives. Entering the third year of collaboration, this program serves as a strategic effort to support organizational transformation and strengthen the leadership capabilities of Eselon II Officials along with the Central Transformation Office (CTO) within Kemenkeu RI.
The 2024 Transformation Ambassadors program has commenced, marked by the “Kick Off Transformation Ambassadors” event on Wednesday, May 15. With the theme “Strengthening Communication in Organizational Transformation,” Kemenkeu RI initiated this program to improve the quality and competence of human resources within Kemenkeu RI and support the creation of a healthy and productive work culture.
The Transformation Ambassadors program is designed to enhance the capacity and capability of Kemenkeu RI employees in managing and implementing change. This program involves intensive training and ongoing mentoring for participants known as Transformation Ambassadors, who act as change agents in their respective units and regions across Indonesia. Transformation Ambassadors are tasked with bridging communication between leaders and employees and coordinating the implementation of change projects aimed at improving organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
Since its launch in 2022, the program has successfully supported more than 2,000 Transformation Ambassadors. In 2023, 175 change projects were successfully implemented with an achievement rate above 70%. This success demonstrates the commitment and dedication of the Transformation Ambassadors in carrying out their duties. The program has also directly benefited more than 1.4 million beneficiaries and more than 73 million indirect beneficiaries across Indonesia.
Maxima’s support includes facilitating leaders from various aspects, from drafting change project proposals, enriching materials through workshops, to assessing and compiling impact reports. Additionally, the mentoring program also includes mentoring and coaching sessions to assist the Transformation Ambassadors in implementing change projects. Maxima provides continuous support to ensure that each project runs according to plan and achieves the expected results. Periodic evaluations are conducted to assess the progress and achievement of the projects and provide feedback for improvement.
After the Transformation Ambassador complete their program implementation, they are required to compile an impact report that outlines the results and benefits of the change projects they have undertaken. This report serves not only as documentation but also as a tool to communicate the program’s success to all stakeholders.
Maxima Impact Consulting believes that sustainable change requires consistent and comprehensive support. The success of the program since its inception in 2022 is undoubtedly due to the close cooperation between Maxima and Kemenkeu RI.
Through the Transformation Ambassadors program, the hope is that it will contribute to supporting Golden Indonesia 2045 to become a resilient, self-reliant, and inclusive nation. Want to initiate transformation in your organization? Consult with Maxima Impact Consulting and discover various strategies to create impactful transformation!