In collaboration with Maxima Impact Consulting, AMMAN Mineral has launched the AMMAN Scholars Leadership Camp (ASLC), a program designed to support the leadership development of students in West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) over the course of a year, focusing on several prominent vocational schools (SMKs) in Kudus, Ponorogo, and Malang Regency.
Considering the goals of the AMMAN Scholars program and its beneficiaries, Maxima strategically designed ASLC to achieve more than just a scholarship program. ASLC serves as a transformative platform that empowers scholarship recipients. In this program, students are encouraged to explore and realize their aspirations while designing effective strategies to achieve those goals. They are prepared to become competent, accomplished, adaptive, and resilient individuals. The children of West Sumbawa Regency are also trained to identify and maximize their potential (self-efficacy) and have a strong drive to achieve the best results in their goals (self-motivated).
Presentation by Tasyah Istitika, Head of Strategic Implementation
In the implementation of the 3rd phase of ASLC, the materials are tailored to the needs of the participants. Salmaa Ramadhani, the ASLC Project Manager, considers this crucial as a provision for the participants in facing future life. The materials include Public Speaking & Presentation Skills, and Digital Literacy on Plagiarism & Cyber Crime.
Salmaa explained the urgency of these materials, which have been analyzed over time during the scholarship program, and identified the competencies needed for today’s youth. “One of the challenges for Generation Z (GenZ) today is the massive development of digitalization. This is quite relevant to the conditions of our friends in KSB, prompting us to provide an understanding of how to navigate the internet, not only using various tools efficiently but also understanding the rules through digital literacy,” she explained.
Facilitation Session for AMMAN Scholars Leadership Camp Participants on May 8-9 in Blitar
This progress did not come about immediately; the presence of facilitators who have accompanied the participants throughout the implementation of ASLC from December 2023 until now has continuously updated the progress of ASLC participants. Positive developments are visible from their character and manners, assessed directly through the participants’ discipline and high motivation in each session. These facilitation sessions focus not only on the implementation of ASLC but also serve as mentors, older siblings, and friends ready to support the participants in both academic achievements and navigating daily life.
“Facilitators are here to accompany these KSB children from the beginning to the end of the ASLC program, which will conclude in mid-2024. Facilitators also ensure that each child not only succeeds in this program but is also ready to face future challenges, especially in the post-school (work) world,” said Salmaa.
The self-development story for the children of West Sumbawa Regency demonstrates the crucial importance of education and character building for youth. The presence of scholarship programs like ASLC provides an opportunity to develop more Indonesian youth who can compete on a global level.
Does your company want to build impactful initiatives through scholarship programs? Consult with Maxima Impact Consulting and discover various strategies to create impactful transformation!